Providing cinema exhibition venues and post-production facilities with unprecedented audio performance and versatility, JBL Professional has announced two new Digital Surround Series loudspeakers as the latest additions to its award-winning line of cinema loudspeaker systems. mTwo new surround models, the JBL 8320 Surround, and the JBL 8350 Surround, join the popular JBL 8340A Surround loudspeaker to provide an ideal surround sound solution for every digital application.

The new JBL 8320 compact surround loudspeaker boasts 150 Watts of power in a very compact molded enclosure. The 8320 low-cost system features internal Thermomaster® technology, which allows for unprecedented high-frequency power, and an 8-inch long-throw woofer for extended low frequency.

The new JBL 8350 very high power digital cinema surround loudspeaker offers 350 Watts of power and very high sensitivity for digital presentations that require extended dynamic range. The high-frequency section features a titanium compression driver with a constant coverage horn for high output capability with very even high-frequency coverage. The JBL 8340A Surround has been the choice of theaters and post-production venues throughout the world and remains the standard of the new JBL Digital Surround Series.

The new JBL Digital Surround Series is now shipping.