Practical Wireless, the UK's no.1 amateur radio magazine since 1932, recently reviewed the PG16 gaming headset from Austrian Audio and had some great things to say about them with regards to the quality and versatility of the headset to adapt to a completely different use within the amateur radio service.

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The review provides a good overview of how the PG16's performed whilst in use, saying "I have used them for several contests now - they are comfortable to wear, the sound quality is excellent and they appear to be well made."

In terms of the adaptablity of the headset, the review also mentions "...even for me (primarily a CW operator), they have the added benefit that they work well in use with the PC for Zoom calls".

Overall, the review finds that the PG16 are a great option, stating "I liked this headset and despite being sold as a 'gaming' headset I suspect it could well find a place in amateur radio shacks, given that it is comfortable to wear, works well and can fulfil other uses around the house..."

For the full Practical Wireless review of the PG16 headset, follow the link here.

Austrian Audio is distributed in the UK/ROI by Sound Technology Ltd. For more information please call 01462 480000 or visit