Our Pro Audio Application Team

Our Application Team services the needs of leading audio consultants and installers by providing HARMAN audio system design assistance, support and advice locally in the UK.


Unsure of which products will best suit your project? We can suggest ideal solutions from the vast HARMAN portfolio of JBL, Crown, BSS, AKG, dbx and Soundcraft to ensure guaranteed performance and help your installation go smoothly.


We work with clients and consultants to create complete system designs based on HARMAN solutions. We provide all supporting EASE models, technical data and pricing quotes based on your requirements and budget. It's a free service to help make your life easier.


For existing or new installations, we are here locally in the UK to help. As added reassurance we can also call upon support resources from the HARMAN corporation in Europe and the USA.

"Our role in the Apps team is to add value to the company and to the projects we work on. By offering a free design service within our broad range of products we are able to offer designed end to end solutions. We are here to support the products technically as well, demonstrate them at our fantastic Letchworth Facility (or on site when needed) and be a point of technical knowledge our customers can depend on. All of this helps integrators, consultants and end users feel confident they are buying into the right solution for their space with the technical know-how to back it up."

Matt Watt, Head of Application Engineering

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Our Apps Team Guides

Our Apps Team also provides useful guides and blogs that aim to help you better understand the varying solutions that we offer and answer technical questions that you may be querying.

Here is a selection of these guides:

Our in-depth guide to the JBL VTX A8 compact line array system

In this blog, we will be exploring the more technical aspects of these loudspeakers and their accompanying accessories.

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Our Guide to JBL AE Compact loudspeakers

AE speakers incorporate the latest loudspeaker technology, a wide selection of driver sizes, waveguide dispersions, high performance features, reliability and a uniform systems approach making them a versatile family of loudspeakers.

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Our guide to JBL Professional CBT Series column loudspeakers

The primary purpose of the JBL CBT Series is to overcome the challenges of highly reflective or reverberant acoustic environments by directing sound precisely to the audience.

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Our Apps Team Videos

Our Apps Team have also created useful videos focusing on the JBL Professional speaker ranges:

Contact our Apps Team for more information

Visit Our Demo Facility

Whilst spec sheets may offer a strong sense of a loudspeaker's capabilities, it's not until we're in a room listening to it can we truly appreciate how it sounds and where it might be used. Being able to offer in-person audio demonstrations at our Letchworth Garden City facility enables us to share these quantifiable sonic experiences with our guests, so they can get a real sense of what our broad portfolio can offer.

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