"A giant leap forward for keyboard-kind, the RISE is an innovative product which oozes quality”.
The ROLI Seaboard RISE is the world’s first truly accessible expressive MIDI controller. It establishes a new standard in music-making devices by combining the intimacy of acoustic instruments with the versatility of electronic music. Future Music magazine give their verdict in the new issue of the magazine.
“I thoroughly enjoyed using the RISE - it’s addictive to play and having five dimensions of touch simultaneously via single/multiple keys (plus all the assignable left panel control) let me achieve sound-shaping that simile cantle achieved with a standard keyboard”.
“For anyone looking for a new way to control; several dimensions of touch/sound simulatneously via a keyboard-style interface, the RISE is an inspiring and exciting option that brings to life/adds realism to any sound…"
“Importantly, it feels like the future of the keyboard has finally arrived and I’m excited to see where this leads”.
The full review can be found in the December issue of Future Music magazine on sale now. The ROLI Seaboard RISE is also available now at £599 RRP inc VAT.
The ROLI Seaboard RISE and Seaboard GRAND are exclusively distributed in the UK and ROI by Sound Technology Ltd. For more information please call 01462 480000 or visit www.soundtech.co.uk/music-retail/roli