Our latest #ThisWeek blog features a fantastic review from MusicTech magazine for the Apogee Element 24, recommendation for the Apogee JAM and MiC from Songwriting magazine, Guitarist ‘Choice’ Award for the DigiTech Nautila. We have a new video ‘Hands-on with the DigiTech FreqOut’ and the stunning Larrivée custom built NAMM guitars head to Guitar Village…
As always thanks for reading!!
MusicTech magazine review the Apogee Element 24
“...the Element's preamps stayed crystal clear all the way up until we began clipping the converters. Using the two preamps for a stereo recording, we used the digital control software to exactly match the gain of each input for a precise stereo image with a perfectly centred focal point. Coupled with the superbly clean preamps, we achieved a beautifully detailed classical guitar recording”.
For more information on the Apogee Element 24 please click here.
Songwriting magazine recommends Apogee JAM and MiC
‘“There’s a very good chance Apogee’s JAM 96k or MiC 96k are perfect for you".
The Apogee JAM 96k and MiC 96k receive excellent ‘recommended’ reviews in Songwriting magazine – the products also claim ‘Editor’s Choice’ status.
For more information on the Apogee JAM and MiC please click here.
DigiTech Nautila Chorus/Flanger pedal receives Guitarist 'Choice' award
"With the potential to dial up a particularly wide range of chorus, flanging, rotary speaker-esque sounds and more, DigiTech's Nautila pedal offers a modulation masterclass at a great price".
For more information on the DigiTech Nautila pedal please click here.
VIDEO: Hands-on with the DigiTech FreqOut Natural Feedback Creator pedal
Feedback. Loathed by vocalists, audience members and sound engineers, coveted by all guitarists in front of a cranked guitar amp. Unfortunately, creating ‘musical' feedback at will has never been easy. Power like that is hard to control… until now.
Meet the DigiTech FreqOut Feedback Creator. In this video demo, Elliott Thomas demonstrates the FreqOut and some of the incredible tones that you can achieve with this compact little box. All guitar tones were recorded directly using a DOD Boneshaker and DigiTech CabDryVR Dual Cabinet Simulator.
Larrivée custom-built NAMM guitars head to Guitar Village
As part of Larriveé's 50th Anniversary celebrations, Jean Larrivée built a number of exquisite models for display at NAMM 2017. Two models featured rare Austrian Flamed Walnut, built from wood Jean personally visited and chose at high altitude in Austria. The Larrivée P-09 and LV-09 custom models were quickly snapped up by UK dealer Guitar Village.