For the October 2023 edition of Sound On Sound magazine, the Apogee Jam X guitar interface has been given a glowing review.

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The review opens with how the guitar interface initially appears at first sight - "On first touch the Jam X is very cool and feels weighty and well‑sized. The buttons are easily thumbable, almost like a small torch or a large laser pointer."

After a brief introduction to its size and functionality, the review continues and focuses on the inital sound when first using the Jam X - "Gosh, it is very, very loud! The sound is enormous... If you wind down the input level you can get some nice clean guitar running through, but why would you want to do that?"

To conlcude, the review summarises with - "The Jam X is an epic upgrade to your guitar recording signal path, with multiple levels of compression. It's almost too simple".

You can read the full Sound On Sound review in their October 2023 edition or on the online version here.

You can also find Our Guide to the Apogee Jam X on our Blog.

Apogee is distributed in the UK/ROI by Sound Technology Ltd. For more information please call 01462 480000 or visit