At Prolight + Sound 2013, HARMAN’s JBL Professional is showcasing new software design and processing tools for its VRX900 Series Constant Curvature Line Array models, including the VRX Line Array Calculator and next-generation VRX V5 preset support for all non-powered models, complemented by JBL HiQnet Performance Manager™ integration.

VRX family 560

The new generation of VRX V5 presets provide significant performance enhancements with the introduction ofbi-amp (2-way) and passive processing options for VRX928LA, VRX932LA-1, VRX915M models including 2-way and 3-way options for use with VRX915S and VRX918S subwoofers. VRX V5 presetsleverage the BSS Audio OMNIDRIVE HD™ linear phase FIR processing capability of CrownI-Tech HD DSP power amplifiers, providing dramatic improvements in on-axis and power response due to the use of higher-order asymmetric filters, superior sound quality through the use of arbitrary coefficient FIR phase linearisation along with advanced Crown LevelMAX™ system protection. In addition, the refined tonal balance consistency across all VRX models introduced in VRX V5 is compatible with VTX Series and VERTEC� Series V5 processing, allowing VRX enclosures to be used as an effective fill system complement for portable tour sound / rental applications.

“As a compact, modular constant curvature line array, VRX is a unique product that bridges across Portable PA, Tour Sound and Fixed Install applications,” said Paul Bauman, Senior Manager, Tour Sound, JBL Professional. “Since VRX models share common component technology with several VERTECmodels, they ‘play well together’ sonically from a sound design point of view and over the past several years, there have been many requests from end users to provide advanced preset support for VRX. With the release of VRX V5, I am confident that many people will discover an entirely new loudspeaker enclosure – the improvements are as dramatic as what was achieved in going fromVERTECV3 toVERTECV5.”

Key features of the VRX V5 preset release are as follows:

�Comprehensive preset support for Crown Audio ITechHD DSP power amplifiers for all VRX 900 Series non-powered models (VRX928LA, VRX932LA-1, VRX915M. VRX915S and VRX918S)

�Extensive IT4x3500HD four-channel preset support, providing optimum system flexibility for portable applications

�Short-throw (ST) presets for VRX928LA, VRX932LA-1 and VRX915M include low-frequency coupling compensation for one, two or three enclosures, providing nominal flat response with equal sensitivity regardless of box count

�Long-throw (LT) presets for VRX928LA, VRX932LA-1 and VRX915M featuring additional low- and high-frequency shelving for longer throw standalone use or operation with VRX 915S or VRX918S subwoofers

�Dedicated monitor presets for VRX915M floor monitors that take into account half space loading due to ground-plane coupling effects and provide high fidelity, nominal flat response with excellent gain before feedback

�JBL HiQnet Performance Manager™ V5-level preset support for JBL VRX and STX Series loudspeakers

Currently undergoing the final stages of beta testing, VRX V5 presets will be available for download onwww.jblpro.comat the end of April. To complement the release, the VRX Line Array Calculator will provide an effective sound design and simulation tool that builds on the successful heritage of JBL’s VTX and VERTECLine Array Calculator software. For enhanced control combined with “plug and play” ease of use, VRX V5 will be integrated into the upcomingJBL HiQnet Performance Manager software release which will also include STX Series V5-level support.

Bauman concludes, “The introduction of VRX 900 V5 support provides an even higher level of VRX performance while the VRX Line Array Calculator will facilitate optimal sound design. Adding VRX 900 and STX Series support to JBL HiQnet Performance Manager provides a complete, integrated control interface and demonstrates JBL’s commitment to making our products not only sound great but more convenient to use in the field.“

JBL Professional is distributed in the UK/ROI by Sound Technology Ltd. For more information please visit or call 01462 480000.